Pediatrics 儿内科

      北斗星儿童医院儿内科与同济医院儿科、湖北省人民医院儿科建立了专科联盟,拥有一支专业的专家团队,其中副高级别以上专家3名,并特邀同济医院生长发育专家林汉华教授、侯凌教授、省人民医院儿科张海菊教授等三甲医院名医定期坐诊,可为0-18岁儿童青少年提供全阶段、高标准、高质量的门诊和住院治疗服务。 儿内科设有生长发育专科、儿童神经内科、儿童呼吸消化内科等多个特色专科,诊疗范围包括儿科常见病和多发病的诊断和治疗,如呼吸道感染、支气管炎、支气管肺炎、婴儿腹泻病、小儿胃炎、急性肠胃炎、感染性腹泻、小儿腹痛、营养性贫血、小儿惊厥、泌尿系感染、新生儿肺炎等;儿童生长发育评估及常见病、多发病的诊疗,如生长落后、性早熟、糖尿病、甲状腺疾病、小于胎龄儿、生长激素缺乏症、特发性矮小、肥胖等内分泌及生长发育相关疾病;儿童神经内科常见及疑难疾病的临床诊疗,如孤独症及孤独症谱系疾病、抽动症、多动症、智力低下、发育迟缓、癫痫、脑瘫、神经肌肉疾病等相关疾病。

      The Pediatrics of the Pleiades Children's Hospital has established a specialist alliance with the pediatric Tongji Hospital and the Pediatric of Hubei Provincial People's Hospital. It has a professional team composed of 5 pediatric experts (including 3 associate senior experts or above), and invited Professors Lin Hanhua and Hou Ling, the growth experts of Tongji Hospital, and Zhang Haiju, the pediatrics of Provincial People's Hospital, and other famous doctors of Grade 3A hospitals to make regular visits. It can provide full stage, high standard, high quality outpatient and inpatient treatment services for children and adolescents aged 0-18 years. The Department of Pediatrics has several specialty departments, such as the Department of Growth and Development, the Department of pediatric Neurology, and the Department of pediatric respiratory and gastroenterology. The diagnosis and treatment range includes the diagnosis and treatment of common and frequently occurring pediatric diseases. Such as respiratory tract infection, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, infant diarrhea, pediatric gastritis, acute gastroenteritis, infectious diarrhea, pediatric abdominal pain, nutritional anemia, pediatric convulsion, urinary tract infection, neonatal pneumonia, etc.; Growth and development assessment of children and the diagnosis and treatment of common and frequently occurring diseases, such as growth retardation, precocious puberty, diabetes, thyroid disease, small for gestational age, growth hormone deficiency, idiopathic short stature, obesity and other endocrine and growth and development-related diseases; Clinical treatment of common and difficult diseases in the pediatric neurology department, such as autism and autism spectrum disorders, tourettes, ADHD, mental retardation, developmental delays, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, neuromuscular diseases and related diseases.